
How To Cut A Brisket Right Way?

When it comes to barbecuing, there’s nothing more tender and juicy than a slow-cooked brisket. Brisket is a cut of meat from the chest or lower front part of the cow and requires some careful preparation if you want to achieve that perfect smoky flavor. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to cut a brisket like a pro so that you can enjoy this delicious BBQ staple at your next summer gathering!

Knowing The Two Parts Of The Brisket

The brisket consists of two distinct cuts – the flat and the point. The flat cut is leaner and more uniform, while the point has more fat marbling and a thicker texture, which gives it its unique flavor. It’s important to know how to identify each part before you start cutting your brisket.

About The Flat Cut

The flat cut is the thinner, more uniform part of the brisket, making it easier to slice. You can easily identify this part by its rectangular shape. It is usually the thicker, less fatty portion and has grain lines running diagonally across it.

About The Point Cut

The point cut is the thicker, more marbled part of a brisket. It is usually triangular in shape and has a lot of fat running through it. This fat gives the meat its distinctive flavor so you want to make sure to leave as much as possible when slicing this cut.

How To Cut A Brisket Properly

Slicing beef brisket can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! Learning the basics of slicing a brisket is key to ensuring the perfect end result. Follow these steps for perfectly sliced beef brisket every time.

Step 1 – Don’t Start Slicing Until You Are Ready To Eat

Cooking a brisket is all about timing – wait too long to slice and you’ll miss out on that perfect meaty texture. Serve it up at just the right moment, however, and your guests will savor every juicy bite!

Step 2 – Grab The Right Knife

For slicing a brisket, you’ll want to use a sharp knife with a long blade. This will help make sure that your slices are as uniform and even as possible.

Step 3 – Separate/cut The Point From The Flat

Using your knife, separate the point from the flat. This is important as you’ll want to cook and slice each cut differently. You can easily tell them apart as the point is usually thicker and more marbled than the flat.

Step 4 – Start Slicing Carefully

Hold your knife parallel to the grain of the meat and make sure that each slice is made with uniform thickness. Also, be careful not to press too hard on the knife as this could cause it to break or bend.

Step 5 – Make Sure To Save The Burnt Ends

The burnt ends are a sought-after delicacy in the BBQ world, so don’t forget to save them! These tasty morsels will be great for making sandwiches or adding flavor to your favorite recipes.

Tips For Cutting Brisket

  • Make sure that your knife is always sharp to ensure even, clean slices.
  • When slicing the flat, make sure to cut against the grain in order to achieve maximum tenderness.
  • To avoid over cutting, stand the brisket on its end and slice downwards.
  • Reserve the point for braising or slow cooking as this will bring out its rich, smoky flavor.
  • Don’t forget to save the burnt ends – they make a great snack or addition to recipes!
  • Serve the brisket as soon as possible – it won’t stay tender and juicy for long!
How To Cut A Brisket
How To Cut A Brisket

How Long Do You Let A Brisket Rest Before You Slice It?

One of the most important steps in prepping a brisket is letting it rest. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat and creates a more tender, flavorful end result. As a general rule, you should let your brisket rest for at least one hour but not more than two hours.

What Temp Should Brisket Be Before Slicing?

When it comes to slicing your brisket, the most important factor is temperature. You want to make sure that your meat has cooled down enough so that it’s firm but not cold. The ideal temperature for slicing a brisket is around 140-145 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Most Important Thing To Know About Slicing Brisket

Before you start slicing your brisket, it’s important to understand the concept of “grain.” The grain refers to the direction in which the muscle fibers run in the meat and will determine how easily it can be sliced. You want to make sure that you’re cutting across the grain when slicing your brisket, so look for lines that go across the meat.

How Do You Know The Grain Of The Brisket?

To identify the grain of your brisket, look for long, thin muscle lines running through the meat. This can be tricky since these lines may not always be visible with the naked eye. If you’re having trouble finding them, try using a magnifying glass or even just looking closer at each piece of meat to get a better idea of its grain direction.

Once you’ve identified the grain, you can start cutting your brisket into thin slices that are easy to work with and full of flavor.

How To Cut Brisket Into Servings?

Once your brisket is sliced, it’s time to portion it out into individual servings. The easiest way to do this is by using a sharp knife and cutting the slices into cubes or rectangles. You can then weigh each piece to make sure that they are even in size and ensure that everyone gets an equal portion.

What To Serve With Brisket?

The possibilities for serving brisket are endless! Some classic sides to accompany your perfectly cooked brisket include mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, coleslaw, cornbread, baked beans, or even a simple green salad.

How To Store And Reheat Brisket?

If you have any leftover brisket, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. To reheat, the best way is to wrap the meat in foil and place in a preheated oven at 325 degrees Fahrenheit until it reaches an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Alternatively, you can also use the microwave or even a slow cooker.

You can also freeze your brisket for up to 12 months, just be sure to wrap it well in a freezer-safe bag or container before storing. When you’re ready to reheat, thaw overnight in the refrigerator and follow the same instructions as above.

FAQs For How To Cut Brisket

Do you cut a brisket with the grain or against the grain?

When slicing the flat, you’ll want to cut against the grain in order to achieve maximum tenderness. When it comes to the point, however, you can cut with or against the grain depending on your preference.

Which way is the grain on brisket?

The grain of the brisket runs along the long, thin muscle lines that you can see when inspecting the meat. Once you’ve identified these lines, you can start cutting your brisket into thin slices that are easy to work with and full of flavor.

Does brisket go fat side up or down?

When cooking a brisket, most experts recommend putting the fat side up. This will help protect the meat from drying out and ensure that it stays juicy and tender. Additionally, the fat will render and help to flavor the meat as it cooks.

Should a brisket be flipped?

No, you don’t need to flip your brisket during the cooking process. Once it has been properly seasoned and placed in the smoker/oven, let it cook undisturbed until you are ready to slice and serve. Flipping or regularly moving the brisket can cause heat inconsistencies, which can lead to uneven cooking.

Do I need to spritz my brisket?

Spritzing (or applying a liquid such as beer or apple juice) can help to keep the brisket moist and flavorful as it cooks. If you choose to spritz your brisket, use a spray bottle and lightly mist the meat every few hours. Just make sure not to add too much liquid or it could lead to an unpleasantly soggy finished product.

Should brisket be submerged?

No, brisket should not be submerged in liquid while cooking. This can cause the meat to become too soft and mushy. Instead, try using a dry rub or spritzing to help keep the brisket moist and flavorful.

Does brisket continue to cook while resting?

Yes, brisket will continue to cook while resting. Resting is an important step in the cooking process as it allows the juices and flavors to settle and distribute evenly throughout the meat. Depending on the size of your brisket, it should be rested for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Do I put water in the pan when cooking a brisket in the oven?

No, you do not need to put water in the pan when cooking a brisket in the oven. To achieve maximum tenderness and flavor, the brisket should be cooked in the oven without any additional liquid. You can add juices or spices to the pan if desired, but water is not necessary.


And that’s it! Now you know how to cut a brisket like a pro. The key is knowing the two parts and understanding the grain of the meat. With a sharp knife and a bit of patience, you can slice your brisket to perfection in no time! Good luck and happy cooking! Follow Quara Ethiopian Restaurant for more tips!

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